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“COVID-19 treatment needs a major shift to hyperthermia therapy.”
24-03-12 14:46 825회 0건

“COVID-19 treatment needs a major shift to hyperthermia therapy.”

IVRA General Assembly emphasizes active use of high-frequency hyperthermia device ‘REMISSION 1℃’ to prevent medical collapse


Health News As the COVID-19 pandemic continues and the world is reinforcing social distancing due to the spread of the omicron mutation, a proposal has been presented that would be a major change in the treatment of COVID-19 patients.


In particular, by applying the principle that ‘hyperthermia treatment is effective for viral infections’, the high-frequency hyperthermia therapy device ‘REMISSION 1℃’ can prevent collapse of medical system by treating COVID-19 patients and preventing them from becoming seriously ill.



The International Virus Research Alliance IVRA held a year-end general meeting at the Prima Hotel on December 30th. A head of IVRA insisted that using the high-frequency hyperthermia device REMISSION 1℃ to treat COVID-19 patients and prevent patients from becoming seriously ill is a sound way to dodge a further disaster.


IVRA organizing committee chairperson Yoo Seung-mo, director of Yesan Myeongji Hospital, Lee Kang-hyun (professor of emergency medicine at Yonsei University Wonju Severance Christian Hospital), IVRA vice-chairperson Yonsei Family Love Clinic Director Kim Seon-man, and Adipo LABs CEO Han Sung-ho, head of corporation, and about 70 prominent figures at home and abroad were all gathered at the general meeting held on this day. The principle of 'hyperthermia treatment is effective for viral infection' was applied to treat COVID-19 positive-tested patients. This alternative proposal is suggested to stop the further progress of disease, thereby treating COVID-19 early and prevent any disastrous incident.


When high-frequency hyperthermia therapy device 'REMISSION 1℃' passes through the human body, frictional heat called 'deep core heat' is generated due to rotation, collision, and distortion of ionic charges within the body's cells due to the intersection of + - charges. As temperature rises, blood circulation is promoted and immunity is improved, treating inflammation, virus-infected cells and cancer. They can all be treated with heat and immunity.



REMISSION 1℃, a medical device that relieves pain and has few side effects, has been approved as an official medical device by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in 2015. The device is being used to treat numerous patients at home and abroad.


 Particularly, IVRA is confident because deep fever caused by ' REMISSION 1℃' can treat COVID-19 by targeting viruses that are weak to heat. IVRA is also well-aware of the fact that the activity of NK Cell, an autoimmune cell, is activated to the maximum as the body temperature rises.


According to IVRA, in regard to COVID-19 patients, we should focus on vaccinating those with underlying diseases and the elderly who have a high mortality rate to reduce the severity and mortality rate, while infants and adolescents should be encouraged to overcome COVID-19 by building immunity rather than relying on the vaccine, thereby reducing the number of early-stage patients.


In addition, if adults in their 50s or younger can be discharged early through immunity treatment even if they are infected with the virus, this will be the best way to prevent any medical crisis for those other patients who cannot be treated in time due to a lack of hospital beds.


In addition, the current quarantine standard for COVID-19 patients is based on PCR testing, and if the E gene is below 40 in the upper and lower respiratory tract, they are quarantined as infected.


However, IVRA argues that, unlike the quarantine standards, the discharge standards are often difficult to understand.


 In fact, looking at the records of 60 COVID-19 patients at Seosan Medical Center last year, the E gene test value was only 23.8, and even though they were positive, they were discharged at the discretion of the medical staff.


Among the 60 patients, only 7 patients were discharged with a negative PCR test result of 40 or higher, or 11.6% of the total. There were also 7 patients discharged with a negative PCR test score of 25 or lower. The average PCR E gene value of discharged patients was 31.4. It is because doctors believe disease is not contagious when the estimate is 25 or higher.

Therefore, IVRA argued that patients should be isolated and discharged based on whether they are contagious or not based on the infection level in the PCR test.


Most importantly, an alternative treatment method proposed by IVRA was to provide hyperthermia treatment for COVID-19 infected patients for about 3 days. If the symptoms are cured or disappeared, the patients can be discharged and treated at home for 3 days and then they are allowed to return to daily life if there are no other symptoms.


Meanwhile, the International Virus Research Alliance (IVRA), in which medical staff and scholars from over 30 countries around the world participate, held the 'International Conference on Sharing Hope Medical Care to Overcome the COVID-19 Pandemic' at COEX on September 29th of last year. The launch of IVRA was announced to the world at the time.



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