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'REMISSION 1℃’ to fight COVID-19 is exported worldwide
24-03-12 11:35 772회 0건

코로나19 잡는 ‘리미션1℃’ 전 세계로 수출된다

AdipoLABs makes a donation to Angola... Nationwide distribution plan is the next step once the effect of treatment is proven

Currently discussing with Romania, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Iran, Turkey, etc.

Health News The COVID-19 pandemic continues, and in particular, the recent outbreak of the ‘Omicron mutation’ from South Africa is driving countries around the world that have been focusing on vaccination into a state of panic.

Under this circumstance, AdipoLABs, which is opening a new chapter in the treatment of COVID-19 patients based on the high-frequency hyperthermia cancer treatment device ‘REMISSION1℃’, has begun donating its device to countries around the world.

As a result of conducting a clinical trial on the effectiveness of ‘REMISSION1℃’ in treating COVID-19 patients in Korea, Adipo LABs obtained very satisfactory results, with no patients progressing from severe disease to death.

In particular, last September, the International Virus Research Alliance (IVRA), an international collaborative for the treatment of COVID-19, was formed and a new treatment was developed focusing on the efficacy of immunotherapy for COVID-19 patients using 'REMISSION1℃'. IVRA received abundant attention by presenting a new paradigm. Also, at this event, AdipoLABs promised to donate ‘REMISSION1℃’ to all IVRA member countries.


AdipoLABs CEO Han Sung-ho (third from the left) and Angolan Ambassador to Korea Edgar Gaspar Martins (fourth from the left) are posing at the donation ceremony held at the AdipoLABs headquarters.

AdipoLABs (CEO Han Sung-ho) held a 'REMISSION1℃' donation ceremony at its headquarters in Seoul on the 25th to provide cancer treatment and overcome COVID-19 in Angola, Africa. The company pledged to do its best to treat COVID-19 patients.


At the event held with the attendance of Angola's Ambassador to Korea Edgar Gaspard Martins, AdipoLABs CEO Han Sung-ho, and IVRA Chairman Yoo Seung-mo, AdipoLABs introduced and donated 'REMISSION', a high-frequency hyperthermia cancer treatment device to Angola. The equipment has shown groundbreaking efficacy in treating COVID-19 patients.

Angolan Ambassador to Korea Edgar Gaspard Martins said, “Angola is a country located in the center of Africa and can help and influence neighboring countries.” He added, “AdipoLABs’ hyperthermia cancer treatment device REMISSION1°C’ will be used in Angola for COVID-19 patients. We have determined that this is an effective and very important technology for treating and I am confident that it will create many miracles in the future,” he said.

It is known that the reason Angola requested AdipoLABs to donate ‘REMISSION1℃’ reflects Angola’s President Joao Lorenzo’s strong will to treat his country’s COVID-19 patients.

Angola's President Joao Lorenzo's decision came after noticing new mutation of disease, 'Omicron' that has emerged in South Africa after the appearance of 'Delta' and is showing signs of spreading worldwide. However, now, neighboring Angola has a 'REMISSION1℃' COVID-19 treatment. It is believed that this donation came possible because of a strong belief from the president in the effectiveness of REMISSION1℃.


Ambassador Edgar Gaspard Martins said, “The Ebola virus has killed enormous number of people in Africa. Having the trustworthy result of being tested elsewhere came as an important influence in our decision making process, and both the president and I firmly believe that the recently donated ‘Remission1℃’ will be performed and utilized at all possible places in the country.

 REMISSION 1℃’ will be donated to Angola by early December, and Angola plans to purchase ‘REMISSION 1℃’ in large quantities and distribute it nationwide if it is judged to be effective in treating COVID-19 patients.

Ambassador Edgar Gaspard Martins said, “It is important to develop a great relationship with AdipoLABs and our goal is to create opportunities.” He added, “We plan to continue our cooperative relationship by inviting AdipoLABs to Angola in the future and holding academic seminars.” “He added.


CEO Han Sung-ho said, “REMISSION 1°C has proven that it can improve COVID-19 patients,” and added, “Particularly, hyperthermia therapy increases immunity and has achieved meaningful results in treating the COVID-19 virus. Through this donation, we have achieved significant results in treating the COVID-19 virus.” “It will be an opportunity to prove the effectiveness of immunotherapy for many infected patients.”

Currently, Sri Lanka has already been donated with one ‘REMISSION 1℃’ and is preparing for the treatment. Honduras has requested donation. Additionally, Romania, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Cambodia, Iran, and Turkey are reportedly in talks.

Meanwhile, AdipoLABs' high-frequency hyperthermia cancer treatment device 'REMISSION1℃', which raises the body temperature to over 40℃ through high frequency, increases deep heat and therefore resulting in a necrosis of cancer cells since they are vulnerable to heat, while promoting blood circulation and improving immunity. It has been certified as a medical device that treats and relieves pain, and has attracted the attention of medical officials at major domestic and international exhibitions.


AdipoLABs’ ‘REMISSION 1’ is a high-frequency hyperthermia cancer treatment device that has been proven effective in treating COVID-19 patients.

It is noted that from the International Virus Research Cooperation Conference that was held last September, Professor Jang Hong-seok's team at Seoul St. Mary's Hospital and Seosan Medical Center jointly used 'REMISSION 1℃' to present clinical research results obtained by treating COVID-19 patients, therefore attracting ponderous attention.


In this study, two men of Philippine nationality were tested for PCR after two tests over two days, and the results were negative. In a clinical trial conducted on 20 domestic patients, CT values ​​were measured before and after treatment. The result was that the average value of the gene before treatment increased from 23.66 to 32.63 after treatment.

In addition, it was confirmed that the average value of the RdRP S gene before treatment increased from 24.07 to 33.18 after treatment, and the average value of the N gene before treatment increased from 25.22 to 33.24 after treatment.

It is also astounding that not a single patient progressed from mild to severe or from severe to death during treatment.

Therefore, if ‘REMISSION 1°C’ is actively used, the device is expected to play a significant role in the treatment of COVID-19 patients for which there is currently no treatment. The equipment can effectively suppress the progression of COVID-19 dramatically.


link : http://m.whosaeng.com/132118