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AdipoLABs Visits National Cemetery for a New Year
20-01-10 13:51 5,093회 0건


[News IN] Reporter Kim Dong-suk = AdipoLABs, a manufacturer of medical devices, said on January 8th that the employees have visited national cemetery on January 7th in order to commemorate ancestors and strengthen their new year's resolution to be the stepping stones for a nation's development.

It has been five years since Han Sung-Ho, the CEO of the company and the employees of AdipoLABs and partnered companies to come together and participate in this annual event in order to commemorate the loyal will of ancestors and pray for the eternal advancement in families, company, and the nation.


Even though it was raining all day, there was a coincidence that the rain stopped for a few moments when all of the employees worshipped the ancestors at the memorial service with a burning incense and solemn spirit that the development of the company is equal as the development of the country.

CEO Han Sung-Ho left a guest record in the guestbook 'AdipoLABs to the World, Korea to the World.' He also wished that the year 2020 becomes the year that not only the company does well but also the plans of the entire country becomes fulfilled with a strong focus on the economy throughout the year.


"Despite the busy schedule at the beginning of the year, this memorial service at the national cemetery will be continued every year at AdipoLABs. With a new slogan of "Let's go to the world in 2020", we will re-establish our determination of devoting ourselves for the nation by developing our company every year" Han added.


출처: http://m.newsin.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=75964