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AdipoLABs Korea, commemorates the National Cemetery... Promoting national and corporate development and loyalty
24-03-28 10:21 795회 0건


Will deeply engrave the noble meaning of the patriotic martyr in the heart.”

AdipoLABs Korea, commemorates the National Cemetery... Promoting national and corporate development and loyalty

 Whosaeng News AdipoLABs Co., Ltd. (CEO Han Sung-ho), which manufactures and sells high-frequency medical devices, visited the National Cemetery in Seoul on the 5th to lay flowers and pay tribute to the martyrs of the country and the spirits of the nation's patriots. In addition, this year, they prayed for the development of the country and companies and strengthened loyalty.


The New Year's worship event on this day, attended by CEO Han Sung-ho, executives and employees, and CEOs of partner companies, is an event held every year by AdipoLABs. This event has been held for six years as an event to honor the noble intentions of patriotic martyrs and to pray for the endless development of families, businesses, and the nation.


Despite the bitter cold weather, many domestic organizations were holding memorial services, and AdipoLABs executives and staff laid incense and laid incense while escorted by the Armed Forces Honor Guard, and everyone paid their respects with one mind, believing that the development of a company is the development of the nation.


CEO Han Sung-ho left a note in the guestbook saying, ‘Hope for humanity suffering from cancer.’ In addition, in 2023, the company left a message saying that all executives and employees will focus their efforts to become a pioneer in treating cancer and delivering hope to patients and their families through the high-frequency hyperthermia device ‘REMISSION 1℃’ and hope that everything will go well.


Meanwhile, he said, “Despite the busy schedule with the start of the new year, the annual New Year’s visit event at the National Cemetery will continue,” and pledged, “We will do our best to serve the nation as a developing company.”


링크[후생신보] “순국선열의 숭고한 마음속에 깊이 새기겠습니다” (whosaeng.com)