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AdipoLABs CEO Han Sung-ho visits the National Cemetery
24-03-12 15:55 826회 0건

AdipoLABs CEO Han Sung-ho visits the National Cemetery


Health News Han Sung-ho, CEO of AdipoLABs, and IVRA medical staff visited the National Cemetery on the 6th and paid tribute to the fallen soldiers.


CEO Han Sung-ho said, “As the people around the world are suffering economically due to COVID-19, I came to visit the shrine to pledge to create a world without COVID-19 with IVRA’s new treatment alternative and to allow people to return to their daily lives in a short period of time.”


In particular, he emphasized, “All executives and employees will focus all their capabilities on ending COVID-19, including preparing a COVID-19 treatment protocol using REMISSION 1℃ with IVRA.”

link : http://m.whosaeng.com/133117